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Chronicles of a Natural Apostolic: Conversing with my Hubby About My Hair

Brendan: Whatcha doing?

Me: Writing a blog post...

Brendan: About what?

Me: Decisions, decisions...

Brendan: About what?

Me: *laughs* you seem pretty interested.. I can't decide if I should switch back to terressentials or stick with the nourish spa shampoo and conditioner

Brendan: Which one is cheaper?

Me: Well the nourish spa.. but I use way more so I buy it more often. The terressentials lasts way longer but its more expensive. Remember how pretty the terressentials made my curls?

Brendan: *getting distracted* mmhmm..

Me: Well thats why I like it so much.. But I need more slip. The terressentials doesn't have that much slip.

Brendan: Ohh.. slip. *thinks for a moment* Whats that?

Me: Like when my hands can easily glide through my hair.. But the tessesentials breaks down my hair so that it detangles like that *snaps*

Brendan: Sounds tricky. Whats in it? Are there parabens?

Me: Nope its all natural..

Brendan: Well I know one thing about the terressentials. Every time you use it, there's brown in the bathtub and shower after.

Me: Yeah its kinda messy...

[a little more chatting and then...]

Brendan: Minty... lemoney.. lavender. What flavor now?

Me: Scent. Not flavor *laughs* I use lavender..

Brendan: What made you pick the lavender scent?

Me: I was looking at naptural85's youtube and thats the one she uses.. Plus I did a lot of research and.. what??

*Brendan raises eyebrows*

Brendan: Whats her name?

Me: Whitney

Brendan: *smiles* So why did you say naptural 85?

Me: *laughs* That is her Youtube name!!

Brendan: What is your Youtube name?

Me: MsChurchySoprano...

Brendan: Whats the number?

Me: 10..

Brendan: So do people call you Mschurchysoprano 10 or Kendra? *laughs*

LOL.. My husband is too much!! He is very amused with our natural talks. He thinks the ligo is hilarious. 

 can't lie, it makes me smile quite a bit :)

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