Hello all! I hope that you enjoyed part one of this series. On this portion, I will give you responses from other natural apostolic women that I asked.
Question: What are your thoughts about extensions and weaves in Pentecost? Do you think it creates a double standard if we are allowed to wear them considering other ethnicities don't? What are your thoughts, beliefs and convictions on this? What are the spiritual implications?
Answer: I don't think wearing them creates a double standard because I have observed other ethnicities wear them also.. On a personal level I do not feel comfortable wearing extensions and even more so about weaves... When I was younger I would wear extensions but only in braids... And have never wore weave. I feel like I am "pretending" to be something I’m not by wearing them! Well we are taught to shine in our natural beauty... I feel it's just like putting makeup on... Personally... I mean some wear false eyelashes and I think that's the same too.. I guess it's more of a conviction then spelled out in the bible ya know... Unless your pastor preaches against it then gots to obey your man of God... Mine doesn’t but I don't feel right doing it. I’m sure they wore them in Egypt back in the bible times to show beauty etc and the land of Egypt was portrayed as "ungodly" "sinful", etc I'm sure you know what I’m getting at…
Answer: I think that extensions and weaves are a way of covering up your glory and letting God know that He did not do a good enough job on your hair so you are gonna go ahead and cover up or add to your glory. There is power in our hair and adding fake hair is taking away from the power in our hair.
Answer: I think it’s against the bible because its say no broided hair. Because you are adding to your hair with adornments. You might as well dye your hair. Because you are altering your hair. Some people are even against wearing hair accessories. But hair accessories don't totally change your hair. Because you can get a weave and it can make you look like a totally different person. That's my feel. I use to not think it was bad until I started realizing that you are altering your hair. It’s like you are not pleased with what God gave you. There are some white people who do it too. They use those curl ones and the braid ones their like hair pieces lol.. Haha one time this lady was like I have to take out my piece I didn't even know it was. I'm like man you could of curled your hair. But she said she wanted it fuller. So that would be altering your hair.
Answer: I think that extensions and weaves are a way of covering up your glory and letting God know that He did not do a good enough job on your hair so you are gonna go ahead and cover up or add to your glory. There is power in our hair and adding fake hair is taking away from the power in our hair.
Answer: I think it’s against the bible because its say no broided hair. Because you are adding to your hair with adornments. You might as well dye your hair. Because you are altering your hair. Some people are even against wearing hair accessories. But hair accessories don't totally change your hair. Because you can get a weave and it can make you look like a totally different person. That's my feel. I use to not think it was bad until I started realizing that you are altering your hair. It’s like you are not pleased with what God gave you. There are some white people who do it too. They use those curl ones and the braid ones their like hair pieces lol.. Haha one time this lady was like I have to take out my piece I didn't even know it was. I'm like man you could of curled your hair. But she said she wanted it fuller. So that would be altering your hair.
Answer: I don't think it’s wrong for Apostolic women to wear extensions or weave. Many times they are worn to rest the hair or help the hair to grow.
Answer: I think it’s okay for us to wear extension within reason if looks natural; if the person hair is extremely short by nature and I also know other ethnic to wear clip ins to make their hair look fuller if they have a health problem
Answer: Yeah.... I'm anti- hair that is not growing from your head lol. Why should people of a certain hair type/skin color get a pass to wear weave? That's a mess and definitely a double standard.
Answer: I think it’s okay for us to wear extension within reason if looks natural; if the person hair is extremely short by nature and I also know other ethnic to wear clip ins to make their hair look fuller if they have a health problem
Answer: Yeah.... I'm anti- hair that is not growing from your head lol. Why should people of a certain hair type/skin color get a pass to wear weave? That's a mess and definitely a double standard.
I asked two natural Apostolics who have blogs…
Sheena from Naturally Sheena Deesha
Sheena from Naturally Sheena Deesha
Me: What are your thoughts about extensions and weaves in Pentecost? Do you think it creates a double standard if we are allowed to wear them considering other ethnicities don't? What are your thoughts, beliefs and convictions on this? What are the spiritual implications?
Sheena: I honestly don't mind people wearing hair weaves or extension to each their own. I have friends that are white that wear them and friends of other ethnicities that wear them as well. I don't believe that weaves or extensions are just a black culture thing lots of women wear them. I have worn weaves or extensions before so I am not convicted by wearing any of them. I do however believe that sometimes people get so used to wearing their hair extensions that they forget to take care of their own hair underneath and that's where it becomes wrong for me because if you don't take care of the glory God gave u than Is not okay! Other than that I'm completely fine with people wearing wigs weaves and ect.. Also don't be lying telling everyone that’s your hair that you grew out of your scalp either lol
Me: Haha you are funny! Okay.. I see.. What do you think the spiritual implications are?
Sheena: I mean I don't believe there to be any unless you are lying about it being yours lol. I haven't really given a bunch of thought to it but I guess it could be like makeup then it's not a heaven or hell thing but if you are convicted by it or if your pastor preaches against it then you shouldn't do it period.
Me: Okay thanks for your input!
Chelsyea from The Pure Journey
Me: What are your thoughts about extensions and weaves in Pentecost? Do you think it creates a double standard if we are allowed to wear them considering other ethnicities don't? What are your thoughts, beliefs and convictions on this? What are the spiritual implications?
Chelsyea: Umm...I would say that everyone (all ethnicities-REAL FACT) weaves weaves/extensions these days. It's just that those with straight hair pull it off very well without we realizing it. Blacks aren't born with straight hair so when we put it in our hair (even with it being relaxed or straightened in some other way), you can tell when weave is put in.
My thoughts about weaves & extensions: For any woman, it makes one feel good and gives one a boost in their confidence. It also creates a different look. Many blacks today are struggling with their hair on what to do, how to treat it, how to style it so weaves are a quick fix. They look good but if you continue to get it and don't take care of your own hair, it will suffer. Personally, I put in braided extensions for a different look and so my hair could grow without me messin' with it. It's like a deep sleep/hibernating time for my hair.
I don't have spiritual convictions about not wearing weave/extensions in the hair. It depends on the reason/intent of wearing it in your hair. I personally think if your wearing it all the time, there's a problem unless you're sick (with some illness like cancer, etc that causes your hair to fall out) or you're hair keeps breaking for some reason. If you put weave in your hair once in a while, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. People like for their hair to breathe. Sometimes, we tamper with our hair so much that it doesn't allow it to grow the way it should.
In terms of spiritual implications about not wearing extensions/weave in your hair, I don't know if the Bible speaks about that. I know that the Bible does talk about putting weaving in gold in the hair being a big "no no".
In terms of spiritual implications about not wearing extensions/weave in your hair, I don't know if the Bible speaks about that. I know that the Bible does talk about putting weaving in gold in the hair being a big "no no".
If your argument is "I wear weave all the time so my hair could grow", that's really an excuse. Hair is always growing with or without the weave. And question is, your hair is growing so why are you still wearing the weave in your head? Oh, it's not the length you want it to be (the argument of many) so you're wearing it most of the year. Today, there's an absolute weave addiction and people won't confess to it. 

Me: I think it's definitely a conviction.. I think that goes will all standards. While you should do them out of obedience after a while you have to develop your own revelation and conviction. I think there are so many reasons why it's wrong. And by wrong I don't necessarily mean heaven or hell issue. I'm not condemning anyone. But I'm examining the matter socially, spiritually, and emotionally. I am asking lots of naturals and other Pentecostal women of other ethnicities this question because I'm going to address it on my blog and do my best to dig deep psychologically and spiritually because it goes beyond a surface level thing to me... I'm already expecting some people to get upset but it's legitimate and my blog was created to help us understand ourselves and our hair. And address issues we have suppressed because of our hair. Including the things people are afraid to say or talk about. People have questions and I want to give answers.
Chelsyea: That's cool..like I said many wear it b/c society is doing it. As I mentioned, it's not only a black thing but people from all cultural backgrounds are using it. It really has become a fad. I know back in the days, wigs were used a lot but now using weave in the hair has become a fad. It's really ridiculous. The money that is being made from weave (whether human (from Indian women) or not). Indian hair is seen as the best hair because of its strength and body. It really is spectacular but people really have to appreciate their own hair.
I have learned to appreciate it but I'm antsy about the length of it. Many black women love the weave b/c it's like dress-up. One day, she can have long straight weave, the next day or week, she can have curly, short weave, next day or week, she can have an afro. It's really like a play. Unfortunately, as I stated before, most black women continue to put the weave in their hair, and NEGLECT their own hair. When I went to get my extension senegal twists done 3 weeks ago, most of the women in the shop's own hair was a HOT MESS! I don't use these 2 words lightly at all. Many black women's hairline is receding farther and farther to the back of the head as a result of using the tight weave and not taking care of their own hair. Many of their hair is really a mess. It's quite sad that we've gotten to this point where we can't go around without this weave. It's the new make-up to tell the truth. Yeah, the weave looks cute and the hair is flashing all over the place through the wind but if your hair is jacked up b/c of neglect, then that's never a good thing. Many of us are neglecting our hair and we really need to STOP, WAKE UP and look at what's going on around us.
What are your thoughts as a natural Apostolic? Do you agree or disagree with what these ladies had to say?
What are your thoughts as a natural Apostolic? Do you agree or disagree with what these ladies had to say?
If you haven't read part one, click here. Stay tuned... this is a whole series! Posts to follow:
- Part III: Weaves and Extensions in Pentecost from the perspective of other Apostolic women from the outside looking in
- Part IV: Weaves and Extensions in Pentecost from the perspective of other Apostolic men from the outside looking in
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