Taken from Saved By Grace by Misha
I just want to say the breakage is crazy! CRAZY! But I think (pray) it's coming to an end. I would venture to say about 3 inches has been lost (yikes!) but I can't even care anymore really. It's almost like spilled milk now.
Just gotta move on and try something new.
And try something new I did! Today is day 3 of something I had never heard of. Kendra actually suggested it and I checked out some bloggers on youtube who are doing this method and I think this may be the way to go for me! What is it you ask? Well, hold yo horses! I will get there in a bit.
My hair:
I don't like that weird category system that goes from 1a to 4c or whatever. My hair is what it is. And that is coarse and extremely curly. One crazy thing is that in the midst of this mindblowing breakage I have been having my curls have decided to make a reappearance. So yay for that! My curls aren't large either they are small and they cover my entire head. The back is the best defined and pretty much normal (like it used to be) and I am trying to see what to do to redefine the front but my curlies are back!
What I've been through:
Kendra is a good friend. And she has tried to help me with my hair and made many suggestions but NOT ONE thing she does to her hair works for mine. Besides apple cider vinegar. (Thanks for trying Kenny)
I have also realized after months of protective styling, that- it don't work! I am sad to say that I think- no, I know- a lot of the recent damage to my edges comes from "protective styling" it. I was keeping it in twists constantly and after doing it for the last 4 months I know my hair doesn't like it. I realize now that my hair is just too curly. It breaks it off when I try to stretch it out like that. Kendra's hair does amazingly well stretched my hair absolutely does NOT. I think there was too much stress on it because my twists would shrink up so bad and Kendra would ask, "oh did you wet it?" And I was like "No, it refuses to stay stretched, even just an inch!".
I am officially done "protective styling" it.
SO all that being said, what am I doing now?
It is day three and I am going to try and take photos and upload them but I am so sick that the fact that I took the time to write all this is boggling even my mind. Anyway I just want to say yesterday was day 2 and I was sooooooo upset. I looked like a poodle in the front and part of that was my fault. I had finger combed it out but when I finished one section I would twist it to keep it out of the way making my curls a hot mess yall! But that aside already the softness of my hair is beyond compare. It's amazing.
One thing I think I may have even said already is that my hair LOVES my shea moisture styling milk. But NO SHAMPOO has EVER worked for my hair and I would honestly say I have tried at least 10 different ones. Natural, full of chemicals,it didn't matter my hair was either stripped or felt like a brillow pad. The only thing that has worked so far is Apple Cider Vinegar. Oh for those that arean't aware the curly girl method says to get rid of the shampoo. It is a NO POO method. And that, I LOVE. So, I am honestly going to update more often and let you know what my hair is doing and how it is doing. So bear with me right now the no computer thing makes this agonizing.
Anyway if you are doing the curly girl method please give me some feedback on what you are doing and how it is working for you! I would love any advice and my hair is not as long as I would like for it to be, but will get ther with more time. But in the meantime for those of you with shorter hair I would love to know what you do at night as far as tying up your hair!
Kendra's Response:
Classic case of what I always say.. find what works for you! Contrary to what everyone else says, even though you may have natural hair, that doesn't mean that what works for one natural will be what works for you! Finding what your hair likes can be stressful and annoying. But once you nail it down, you will be glad that you took the time to find what works. You will be rewarded by growth and healthy hair! I am excited to see how Misha's hair does with the curly girl method!
Have you heard of the curly girl method before? Do you think your hair falls into a similar category as Misha's?
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