Everyone meet Reese. She is a beautiful natural chica! I came across her blog and was inspired.
Here is a quick snippet:
Hey ladies!
Let’s just say that I’m a bit disgusted at the moment by something I experienced today. We had Family & Friends Day today at my church; it was wonderful. A lot of women and girls have decided to go natural lately, and I just LOVE that! I was the first natural female at my church and only one of two females who are natural. There’s about six ladies who are transitioning at the moment. (I’m so excited about that!)
Anyways, to get on with the story…today two totally separate discussions were started about hair because of all the compliments I received on my twist-out. In BOTH discussions (with different people) a comment was made about how the natural look and these styles look so pretty on me because I have “a good grade of hair” but if they tried it would turn out totally different. This disgusted me immensely. I politely shared with the ladies that your grade of hair doesn’t matter, it’s about how well you care for your hair.
Let me explain why I was so upset about the “good grade of hair” comment. For one, this falls right back into the category of the “good hair/bad hair” mess. No hair type or texture is BETTER than another, it’s all about preference. Some people may like hair that looks and feels a certain way but that is each individual’s preference. Secondly, don’t give me more credit than what is due to me. My hair is pretty much the same as theirs. I have 3C, and mostly 4A hair. They’re looking at the finished product, not understanding that what they see they can achieve as well.
Let's get to know Reese and her blog a little better..
1. How long have you been natural?
I'll be natural for ONE YEAR on February 14!
2. What inspired you to start a blog?
I started a blog because I wanted to document my hair journey. It was to help me stay encouraged during difficult times, track my hair growth, and encourage others in making the decision to go natural.
3. Why have you made the decision not to cut/trim your hair?
I made the decision to not cut my hair because the Word of God says not to and the Holy Ghost won't allow me to. My hair is my glory and I need all the power from angels I can get when living this life.
4. Why is natural hair beautiful to you?
Natural hair is SO beautiful to me because it's just that, NATURAL! It's just the way God intended for it to be, growing naturally out of my scalp: pure, unadulterated, and unchanged. Natural hair is strong, and healthy. I love it!
5. What can your readers expect to see on your blog?
There is a variety of content on my blog. Of course you can find everything about my natural hair, but there's also food recipes as well as life inspiration. I plan on adding a fitness element soon so that's something exciting to look forward to! :)
Click here to visit her blog!!
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