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Product Review: Hot Oil Treatment

Hello beautiful ladies! Today is my wash hair day! I am so excited because I love how great my hair feels when I'm done. But to be honest, I am not a fan of the actual washing part. For starters, I don't like washing in the shower because you know how the little hairs stream with the water down onto your legs and back! YUCK! And then my water doesn't stay hot for much longer than 25 minutes. And then I start to get itchy ahhhhh....

[insert more complaints here]
BUT i sure do love the way my hair feels when I'm done!

So I am going to wash my hair with Nourish Spa Shampoo,
apply a hot oil treatment and then
condition my hair with Nourish Spa Conditioner.

Here is my hot oil recipe of the day:
(It's not always the same lol)

2 Tablespoons of:
Africa's Best Ultimate Herbal Oil - $2 at Wal-Mart
Ingredients: Soy bean oil, walnut seed oil, kiwi fruit extract,
olive fruit oil, castor seed oil, sesame seed oil, jajoba seed oil,
carrot seed oil, sweed almond oil, etc.

1 tablespoon of:
Ingredients: Soy bean oil, tea tree leaf oil, safflower seed oil,
Rose hips fruit oil, sweet almond oil, peanut oil, etc.

1/4 cup of purified water

So here I go! Off to the shower - I mean, kitchen sink!!!
I will post an update post when I am done, and yes I promise to take lots of pictures too!!!

On another important note!
Today is my hubby's birthday!!
I have a great day planned for us, so I better get
going so I can be a cute wife for an AMAZING
and extremely handsome husband :) Love you babe!

Celebrating healthy, happy and long hair :)

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