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Hair Facts: Learning YOUR hair and getting with it!

So I have gotten a lot of questions about my personal hair regimen! (Rightfully so because thats what I talk about on this blog mainly). My experiences. What I use. What works for me. Now when I first went natural, I was clueless.  The only natural style I knew anything about were bantu knots, and well *blushes* a fro!! I thought all "black" products were A-OK for my hair. I thought if the product said it contained "natural products" that it was good to go! BOY was I ever wrong!

But how I learned my hair was through what other people did. I gradually was able to find out what worked for my hair.

[For example]
I read that protein is very good for your hair
as long as your hair isn't protein sensitive!
I thought, well what are the chances that my
hair is actually protein sensitive?? So taking the
risk I decided to condition my hair with mayonnaise
(We had some in the fridge that a friend brought over
but my husband and I don't eat it! YUCK)
So I applied it and do you know what happened???
talk about a birds nest, a major disappointment and a sad Kendra!

I said that to say, be honest with yourself and be sensitive to what your hair likes! I guarantee that everything that works for my hair won't work for yours! No two people have the same hair :) Its pretty awesome the way God made us that way! SO don't be afraid to step out and try new things if you haven't found what you feel makes your hair feel and look fabulous!

Furthermore, if the shoe fits wear it! And if its not broke, don't fix it! Once you find what works, STICK WITH IT! I think where a lot of us go wrong is wanting to constantly change products and switch up our routine. This can cause severe damage to your hair. Find what works and stick with it :) For the BEST results!!

Now as far as Kendra is concerned! I am GETTING BACK WITH IT! I've been so busy *ahem* lazy with my hair. Yes I admit I haven't been on the ball like usual. So I am in the process of working some things out! Here's what you have to look forward to:

  • Me putting together a strict hair regimen that can be modified for your needs
  • More hairstyles with different length options
  • Quarterly hair length check pictures
  • More pictures and tips that you are asking for!
Celebrating healthy, happy, and long hair :)

Hanging with Ms. Mary with a high bun! Protective styling is way cute!!!

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