1. When did you make the decision to go natural and why?
I truly do not recall when I made the decision to go natural since I've always worn my hair naturally off and on between curls. This is probably was the best picture with my hair relaxed - freshman year in college. Mom put a relaxer in my hair so that I could manage my hair. However, I took swim class and the clorine broke all my hair off.
Then I went to curls. Perhaps it's been about three (3) years since I totally made the decision not to process my hair anymore. Basically this decision came about or was a result of years and years of my frustration over the long hours that I would spend at the beauty shop, receiving poor quality work, and most of all becoming fed up with the outrageous prices that the beauticians would charge.
2. What has been the most difficult part of wearing natural hair?
It has never been difficult for me to wear my hair naturally. Since I was never one to have long hair - length was never a concern of mine. I could leave it or take it - but you don't miss what you never had. Plus, I have always been proud of who I am as an individual and never felt that we were defined by the length of our hair.
3. When someone says your hair is your glory, what does that mean to you?
When someone says that my hair is my "glory", it means to me that "my" hair is my "covering" for me and my family. My uncut hair is like a guard/protection from the hands of the enemy. I think about Samson, the protection and power that came from his uncut hair - the spirit of God was present in his life. We see what happened to him once he shared with Delilah his secret - his hair was cut - the spirit of God left (he did not even realized this had happen) - he was left vunerable to the enemy/satin. I don't want to be left vunerable to the attaction of the enemy/satan.
4. With all the hype in the natural world about the big chop, and constant/routine trimming, how do you handle not partaking in these things?
Be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Rom. 12:2) I know who I am - I know who's I am. Know ye not that I am the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in ME!!! You could say I march to a different drummer - the HOLY GHOST!!!
5. What is your daily hair regimine? Anything special?
Nothing special. Since discovering your website, I have adopted your healthy hair suggestions. Before I proabably shampooed my hair on a monthly basis but now I'm trying to shampoo every 7-10 days and incorporating more natural products with less harmful chemicals.
Because of my length, I have always worn my hair in an afro and probably always will because this style is more becoming to my personality and facial features. I try to be modest on all aspect of my life/appearance and that includes my hairstyles. I did experiment with the "bantu" knots that you have posted; however, I did not feel comfortable. In my sprit I heard the Lord say that this style takes away from Him and could be a distraction to witness or to minister. He wants them to see Him (Christ) and not be distrated by my hairstyle. Plus, I don't want to be concerned if the spirit of God moves upon me to be concerned about losing bobby pins.
7. How has this decision to have happy, healthy and long hair changed your life?
For me I have adopted the phrase: "HHHH" or "Happy, Healthy, Holy Hair" . . . . . . For over twenty years I have taught and have strongly endorsed healthy lifestyles and fitness. I have always tried to maintain a healthy life by monitoring what I eat and exerciese on a regular/daily basis. So when I realized that I could have "Happy, Healthy, Holy Hair" I became estatic. . . . . . . so now this temple of the Holy Ghost is getting in total allignment both naturally and spirtually. PRAISE GOD!!!!
8. If you were to give a word of encouragement to another sister, what would you say?
I can only give them the WORD. . . . . . Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate (conversation, dress, hair, etc.) saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive yo (2 Cor. 6:17). . . . . Where much is given - much is recquired.
9. How has this blog helped you in your personal hair journey?
Your blog/website has been such a blessing and very refreshing. . .. to have someone of like faith, racial/ethnic background who have received the true revelation about I Cor. 11. . . .I know that I'm not alone and that we as black apostolic women can have "Happy, Healthy, Long Hair" and also "Happy, Healthy, Holy Hair".
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