I cannot tell you how many people have asked and desired to know how do you transition your hair without trimming and cutting it??
Let me begin by clearly stating, I am not an advocate of the big chop! Neither am I am advocate of cutting and trimming hair. So with that said, I know you are really asking, Kendra how in the world can you transition without trimming or cutting off relaxed ends? There is NO way!!
Well guess what?
I transitioned without trimming or cutting my hair.
This is a picture of my husband and I from December 2008.
(of course this is before we got in church!!!)
My hair was completely relaxed, dyed and damaged.
When I decided that I wanted to go natural, I started looking into it. Well I immediately noticed the STRONG influence of the big chop. And let me tell you, I had cut off all my hair before (I'm talking inches in length) and I was not about to do it again. This was my initial motivation. I'm just not about to go around with short hair and wait for it to grow back again.
Been there done that.
So I decided ... I'm going to transition.
I started with a few braid outs:
I did bantu knots. I did twists., braids, wore weaves, extensions, you name it I tried it.
But I never cut or trimmed my hair!!
When I started out this process of transitioning without trimming or cutting it was because I wanted to prove everyone wrong and show it could be done!! I mean, I knew that your hair could grow without being trimmed. Well I believe that was the hand of God upon my mind because every time I would think about trimming off the rest of the relaxed or dyed hair, I just couldn't do it! Within about 8 months, God gave me the revelation of hair! It was so exciting! So I kept up my transition without trimming or cutting.
I did buns.
I did bantu knot outs.
I did twists in updos.
(in this picture notice the hair dye)
My hair was light brown at the ends.
I want you to see that because I no longer have light brown in my hair
YES my hair shedded.
YES my hair was weak.
But I pampered it with moisture, protective styling and gentle care.
After a hard 6 months of some breakage and dryness, my natural hair really began to break forth.
It was different and it was new..
But it surely wasn't relaxed anymore!
No dangling straight ends!
You can see here how my ends curled right up when wet.
Now notice how there are still light ends..
Hardly ANY dyed ends.
Completely natural.
Curl city.
So ladies,
it can be done.
I'm a living witness.
In Jesus' name lets keep going and pressing towards the mark!
Celebrating healthy, happy and long hair :)
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