Praise the Lord Kendra,
My name is A and I just wanted to tell you how much your blog inspires me. I just recently found you blog (by accident) but I am so glad that I did find it. I am currently in the process of transitioning. (My last perm was February 2011 so I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary. Yay me!) The hardest issue that I have come upon in transitioning while being an Apostolic. at my church we have a very high standard (no pants, earrings, open toe shoes, we don't cut hair, no hair braiding(with added hair), no weaves/wigs etc) And like you I don't believe in even trimming my ends. I have experienced breaking (even if you trim your hair that is something you will go through during the transitioning process) Right now I am at the in between stage. (where my hair is to short for this but to long for that) Stressed out my hair is right at my collar bone and by the end of this year I would like it to be bra strap length. The hardest part is why I am going through this process I also have a 9 year old daughter who is completely natural so trying to style her hair as mine is very hard at times. But I am encouraged and I am determined to finish this journey knowing that he that have begun a good thing in me will finish it. I look forward to having healthy, shiny beautiful hair again. Thank you for inspiring other Apostolic women out there to have healthy hair but do it biblical. A woman's hair is and will always be her glory because it's the word of God and nothing can be added nor taken away from that.
Hello A.,
I am so happy to hear from you! Thank you for your heartfelt email. I am glad that you have been inspired by this blog. My goal is for it to be encouraging, uplifting and helpful to Apostolic women. If you look back in my archived posts I have a lot of style ideas for shorter hair when my hair was still growing out.
Here are links to some of my favorite styles that I did when I had shorter hair:
As for your daughters hair, let me know if you have any questions about how to style it and care for it. I would be more than happy to assist you in anyway that I can! In the meantime, check out a few posts I have written by mommies:
God bless you,

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