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Hair Tip # 52: Deep Conditioning with Oil to Restore Moisture

I am always looking for convenient ways to deep condition. I find that the more I can deep condition my hair, the better! There are so many different ways you can do it, so at times you just might want to switch it up.

What do you need?

Your oil of choice. I used grapeseed oil. Here is a list of great oil you can use:

  • Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Argan Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Fully saturate your hair in warm water to open the hair shaft. If you own a hair steamer, this step isn't necessary. 
  • Section your hair into workable sections and begin with one section. I used 4 large sections
  • Apply a generous amount of oil to your ends first and then work your way to your scalp.
  • Smooth the oil into the hair, work it into each strand and massage your scalp with the oil as well
  • Twist the section and move to the next

  • Cover with a plastic cap, wrap your hair in a towel and allow to sit for at least 30 minutes. You could leave this in all night and it would be safe.
  • Rinse, and proceed to style or wash your hair. 
What should the results be?

Your hair should be very moisturized and soft after doing this! Keep in mind that if you have severely dry or damaged hair, it may take time to restore balanced moisture. So while the results are pretty consistent, you also have to be realistic in terms of the condition of hair.

Why do this BEFORE washing?

In essence it is more of a pre-poo for me. I use terressentials so I don't have to deal with my hair being stripped. It is much more convenient for me to deep condition first, and then finish the cleansing process in the shower. I use this for a boost of moisture.

If you are someone who uses a shampoo that strips your hair, I would suggest doing this process after washing and conditioning your hair in order to put back in the necessary moisture.

Any questions on how to do this? How many of you have tried this method? What are your thoughts? 

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