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Exciting News: I need YOUR vote today!!

Chelsyea and I are teaming up to create an apostolic natural hair collage using tumblr! It will show off all of YOU beautiful apostolic ladies, your hairstyles, your quotes, your videos, etc. It will basically be a data base made to inspire and help us. If you want your picture, video or quote to be added, all you do is send us an email.

So what are you voting for??

A name! Here are your options:

  1. God's naturals
  2. Christ's naturals
  3. Other - you can provide an alternative if you think of something better!
 PLEASE vote in the comment box below!

Chelsyea from The Pure Journey writes,

"I am super delighted to announce to you the opening of a new. It's going to be what I would call a natural hair collage by using tumblr. I got the idea from Around The Way Curls site, which everyone should check out if you haven't. They have a tumblr account for their members/followers where all naturales are sporting their hair. Now, what's in the making is our own collage of beautiful christian women strutting and rocking ya'll gorgeous tresses. How will your picture get on the site? All you have to do is send you pic/s to an email address that will be based upon your vote. It's time for the vote, for YOU to vote what the name will be. Will it be GOD'S NATURAL'S OR CHRIST'S NATURAL'S? The decision is YOURS!!! You'll leave your decision in the comment box below. Spread the word! Are you ready??? It's about to go down (ATWC)...hehehe"

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