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Chronicles of a Natural Apostolic: Anniversary Getaway Recap

I had a beautiful weekend with my hubby in San Diego to celebrate our 3 year anniversary! It was our first vacation together. We didn't have a honeymoon and we haven't gotten a chance to travel just me and him. So this weekend was extra special for us.

We slept in on Friday and headed to San Diego in the early afternoon.. I was so excited!

When we arrived in San Diego and when to Del Mar for lunch. After a deli sandwich we headed to the beach and walked for 4-5 miles just enjoying the sights!

After our walk we went to the hotel to relax. Then we had dinner at a delicious Thai restaurant! I wish I had taken pictures, every detail in the decorating was so intricate! It was gorgeous but I was too busy enjoying my hubby and delicious meal.

After dinner we headed back to the cliff above the beach to watch the sunset on the water...

The houses were so cute and quaint.

Today we headed over to the San Diego Zoo!! It was a BLAST!! We were determined to see everything there as this zoo is ginormous. We took our REI backpacks with the camel backs inside, brought in some cliff bars and subway sandwiches and took to the challenge.

Some of my favorite animals were...

The hippos! The mommy and baby were sleeping underwater. So precious :)

We got to hear a talk about the lion and lioness. It was really cool! Being up close and personal with this species is amazing

Of course my favorites are safari animals! Gazelles, zebras..

Elephants and rhinos..

Servals are absolutely gorgeous. You can have them as pets. It's a pretty penny but how could you not want one?

I took so many pics!

And my favorite animal is the... GIRAFFE! They are so pretty and sweet. I learned today that they are afraid of heights. According to the height of their legs they should be able to climb the gates that confine them with ease, however the gate is just high enough that they are too scared to climb over due to a theorized fear of heights. Reason for their fear? The theory is that because when they are born they fall approximately 6 feet down from the womb to the ground!!

At the end of our excursion we high fived each other and I said, "Babe we came, we saw and we conquered!" We walked the entire park, saw all the animals and had an awesome time!

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