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Conference Recap: Special No Limits 2012 Conference Recap

No Limits 2012

Wednesday Night:
Hair style: Side swept pin curl up do with a white hair accessory
Outfit: White ruffled jacket, black sequin skirt, black heels

Guess who flew down to see me?! CHELSYEA!! I was so happy and excited to have her here all the way from New York. She is so beautiful, hilarious and fun. Her style is the truth (inside joke). Its New York slang :) haha.. Check out her blog if you haven't by clicking here!

 Thursday Morning:
Hair style: Flat twists on the side, 3 poofs in the front with a low bun
Outfit: Hot pink sweater, black shirt, black skirt and teal wedges with hot pink flowers

Below in the pic is my sister in law and Chrisalynn! She is a natural hair fasionista! Love her to pieces. She was rockin' some super cute hair styles!

The COVENANT! I almost cried when I heard them sing. They debuted their CD at this conference. I bought the CD first thing Thursday morning :) Bro Myles Young, Bro Jordan Young, Bro Jaron Young and Bro Phil Endris. Amazing, apostolic, anointed singing. You have got to get this CD. Its incredible!

 A big shout out to this beautiful natural! She is 11 years old. She told her mom that she wanted to start wearing her hair natural when she saw one of my youtube videos. Such an inspiration to me! And lemme tell ya'll she was wearing it with confidence and grace at this conference. All out and curly. Love to see this!! Keep it up girlie! :)

(love this pic: hubby telling his sis she's gonna get it while I'm smiling. Classic Brendan and Kendra moment)
 Thursday Night:
Hair style:  I don't remember :)
Outfit: Yellow ruffle jacket, black ruffled skirt, black heels

This was the night that Courtney wore her "husband getting curl". For all you single ladies, you can't mess around. If you want to be married just have that one special, perfect ringlet curl hanging out of your bun and you are good to go!! :))

 Friday Morning:
Hair Style: Low side bun with a swoop in the front
Outfit: Black ruffle jacket, cheetah print scarf, tan ruffled skirt, black heels

Janay!! She is another beautiful natural. She is recently beginning to straighten her hair less and wear more natural styles. She said that she has seen significant growth. Go figure! She is one beautiful girl who loves God! Here we are at sushi!!
 Friday Night:
Hair style: High bun with barrel curls
Outfit: Pink ruffled jacket, black skirt, black heels
 Symenthia from Kansas! Beautiful lady. I  love meeting new people. I met her Wednesday night stepping out of my hotel. She said, "You look like you're going somewhere." I said, "Are you going to church?" So that's how it started :)
 Some more beautiful ladies from Kansas! They are hilarious, and sweet ladies! Hope to see more of all of them in the future!!
 Me and chels!! :))
 The beautiful Thaler/Sanchez Family. (My husband's mothers side)
His mother, Brendan (my husband), Me, Courtney (My sis in law), Sean (My brother in law) and Papito!

 Me and Courty <3
Needless to say I had an AWESOME TIME!

A huge shout-out to all the ladies that came up and said hi to me. Your support is so encouraging. I have never seen so much natural hair at a conference in my life. Kandi! So nice to meet you girl!! And everyone else- I am terrible with names!! Loves, hugs and next time let's take a pic!

Did you go to No Limits? 

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