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Food for the Soul: What Good is Potential without Action?

We are blessed to have an evangelist, Bro. Hornsby, preaching for us right now. He has been in the vein of the mercy of God, consecration, repentance and the coming of the Lord. Even before he came, God has been dealing with me in prayer and services regarding potential with no action.... I have yet to share my full testimony (I promise I will one day) but here is a portion of it…

I was raised in a Baptist pastor’s home and found the truth at 16. Because my father considered it a cult, I was banned from going to an Apostolic church. I went through some hard years because I couldn’t understand why God would show me truth and then take me away from it. By the time I was 19 I knew I couldn’t continue to live in the world and remain angry with God. I repented and began to seek God like never before. I was so hungry for God… At this time I was dating my husband who was also hungry for God. We would spend hours just reading the bible. Silent just soaking up Gods word… We prayed and fasted together. We had SO MUCH FAITH! Because of it, God poured out a revival in the little country Baptist church my dad pastored. Many young people were filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus name in a Baptist church! It was MIRACULOUS! All because of our zeal, and simple childlike faith…We didn't even have full truth yet. But we knew that God could do anything and we put Him to the test. 

Here we are 4 years later… And God wanted to know of me, where did my zeal and faith go? Now I have so comfortably but God into a box. Perhaps it isn’t as limited as it could be- but I placed God in a place that was conventional. Oh I prayed for revival. I cried out for the lost…I worshipped, I prayed... but something was missing. I was slowly slipping into the curse of complacency. There were 10 virgins, 5 foolish and 5 wise. 5 of them didn't make it because they didn't have enough oil.. God help us to stay full of your spirit!! God dealt with me that we don’t have time to mess around. There are so many souls that are in need of the truth. Our churches, our cities, our unsaved families, they need revival... And I have to be saved! 

When is the last time we travailed until you had no more tears?

When is the last time we interceded until it hurt?

When is the last time we stood up full of faith and told God if no one else believes you I DO?

When is the last time we danced in the spirit and didn’t care what anyone thought?

When is the last time we told someone our testimony and the goodness of the Lord?

When is the last time we purposed in our hearts to make prayer a sacrifice and get up in the wee hours of the morning to seek the face of God?

As I write this, tears fill my eyes. We have the power and the influence to do so much for the kingdom of God. But if we never do it- what good is the potential? We could have all of the tools and never build anything. I don’t know about you but I am stirred. I don’t care what it takes!

Anyone feel that way? God whatever it takes, we want to be the church and the people that you called us to be! I don't care if I am the last one in the altar every Sunday. I don't care if God wakes me up to pray at any hour of the night. I don't care if God calls me to fast. God take me out of my comfort zone. WHATEVER it takes!

"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?" (James 2:17-20)

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