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Perspectives From Persons #3: Brendan Thaler

Hello ladies. Meet my hubby Brendan Thaler. He has an awesome blog :) I don't think he posts often enough, but I still think you should click here to check it out! In this post, he has a thing or two to say about natural hair... Listen up!

1. Why do you think more black apostolics should go natural and take better care of their hair?
It is pretty simple as far as I am considered as to why black apostolic women should go natural which in turn means taking better care of their hair. For obvious reasons pertaining to the health of a black woman's hair, by going natural it is easier to obey 1 Corinthians 11. However, I would like to put the "Hair" chapter aside, and look at another passage:
[9] In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; [10] But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. - (1Ti 2:9-10 KJV)
I want to first say there is nothing modest about different colored hair. Hair that is a reflection of this present culture and age, also is not professing godliness. The God we serve is both the same yesterday, today, and forever more. Therefore, the trends that change on a regular basis do not profess holiness. Also, that broided hair that the Apostle Paul is speaking of is very similar to those hideous multi colored braids that the hip hop girls seem to love in their hair. Considering we are called out from this world and commanded to be seperate, we ought to take great consideration in our appearance. We are created in His likeness and in His image, we ought to be very careful with our appearance, considering we are ambassadors of the Holy One. We don't not believe a religion that is spoken, taught, preached, and not lived, but our greatest witness is our lifestyle. That is that the gospel of Jesus Christ actually works. We called out of darkness into His marvelous light, we repented, our sins were buried in baptism, and we are resurrected and walking in the "newness" of life. With all that being said, it is no secret that our women are walking and living testimonies and witnesses of the Lord. The modest dress, the long hair, the lack of jewelry, and all that goes along with holiness, is completely contrary to our society and culture. I have seen conviction fall on sinner women time and time again when in the presence of a woman who has taken on the Holiness of God.

Back to the question, God loves His creation. All creativity is derived from God. Therefore, the creation is pleasing unto the Creator without any embellishing. We need not add or change what God has created. Black women naturally have what many women spend buckets full of money on, naturally curly hair. Everyone at one time or another wants what they don't have, but the pure essence of self esteem is to be happy with what God has given you. So why change what God has found so beautiful?

2. When you see one of us rocking natural hair, what do you think about it?

To go against what is "popular" or "normal" takes confidence, and confidence is attractive to everyone. Men and women alike are attracted to confidence.

3. If you could give a word of encouragement to all of the sisters who are natural, going natural and considering it, what would it be?

Your hair ain't broke so don't fix it! Black hair is just different than white, Hispanic, or Asian hair. Rock what ya got! Men love confidence, and there is a reason that people who are individualistic. Love who God made you and become who He called you to be. By the way weaves and fake hair stinks, and I mean that in a literal sense, they really smell bad! Funky smells are appealing to no body that I know so just stay away from them.

Celebrating happy, healthy and long hair :)

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